Meet the Lab Members


Zelda Di Blasi

Positive Coaching Psychologist 

Dr. Zelda Di Blasi is a Lecturer at University College Cork, and the co-founder and co-director of the Masters of Applied Psychology, Positive & Coaching Psychology. 

She is a Chartered Psychologist and consulting editor to the International Journal of Coaching Psychology, member of the International Advisory Board of the International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research, in the International Editorial Board of the Journal of Eco-Psychology.

With over 30 publications in leading medical, psychological and coaching journals, including the Lancet and the British Medical Journal, Zelda is passionate about studying, teaching, and practicing integrative, embodied, and creative approaches to wellbeing. 

She has trained in Modern Dance, Massage, Yoga and various Coaching modalities (e.g. Wellness, HeartMath, Executive) and has delivered coaching and positive psychology workshops internationally.

More information is available on Zelda's university profile.


Asma A. Basurrah

Positive Psychologist, Educator, and PhD Researcher

Asma is a lecturer in Psychology at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Saudi Arabia. In 2010, she attained her BA in Psychology with First Honors from KAU. Then in 2017, she came to Ireland to study for her MA and PhD. Asma completed her Master’s Degree in Applied Positive and Coaching Psychology from University College Cork in 2019 and is currently doing her PhD.

Asma is a life-long learner. Her journey in positive psychology and well-being began locally in the Middle East, specifically in Saudi Arabia. She is interested in studying positive psychology within the cultural context and evaluating whether positive psychology interventions (PPIs), which are based on Western cultures, would be effective across Arab cultures, with an emphasis on students’ well-being and resilience.

She has many research contributions on examining PPIs for use in Arab cultures to promote well-being for individuals and groups in the therapeutic and educational fields.

More information is available on Asma’s LinkedIn.

Anna Navin Young

Coaching Psychologist, Educator, PhD Researcher

Anna Navin Young is a PhD Researcher in the School of Applied Psychology at University College Cork, and an assistant lecturer on the Masters in Positive and Coaching Psychology and the Masters in Work and Organizational Psychology.

Her work integrates time research, coaching psychology, and positive psychology to investigate how our relationship with time and our everyday time habits (how we spend, think about, and value time) impact our health and wellbeing. Anna’s research centres on time awareness and focuses on developing evidence-based coaching approaches that enhance time wellness.

Anna is passionate about teaching, training, and coaching individuals and groups to support them to make time for what truly matters in their lives, work, and relationships.

She holds degrees in Positive and Coaching Psychology (MA), Psychology (BA), American Studies (BA), and Professional Writing (BA minor). She is trained and certified in solution-focused coaching, and holds professional memberships with the Association for Coaching and International Time Perspectives Network.

More information is available on Anna’s website and LinkedIn.


Topaz Shrestha

PhD Researcher

Topaz Shrestha is a PhD researcher at University College Cork. With a passion for Eco-Psychology, her research interests revolve around the interconnection between human and environmental health. Topaz is exploring the links between natural environments, human wellbeing and pro-environmental behaviour. She is interested in our intrinsic affiliation towards nature and how forming a strong connection to the natural world can form the basis for environmental stewardship.

Topaz’s Masters thesis, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), investigated the impact of our environment on wellbeing. This research provided insight into the multiple mechanisms through which nature can support psychological wellbeing and emphasised how personal and planetary health are deeply interconnected.

Topaz is currently focused on the application of Nature-Based Interventions (NBIs) which benefit the climate and biodiversity, while simultaneously enhancing psychological wellbeing. This research aims to engage people in conversations surrounding nature and health.

More information is available on Topaz’s LinkedIn.


Ingrid Seim

Psychological Coach

Ingrid Seim is a graduate of the Masters in Positive and Coaching Psychology at the School of Applied Psychology at University College Cork, and currently guest lectures at the programme.

Through her private practice, Avenues Consultancy & Coaching, Ingrid brings applied coaching and positive psychology to the everyday lives and realities of the individuals and organisations she works with and regularly writes on topics of wellbeing and resilience.

Her Master’s thesis “Making it work: Challenging the deficit bias in female entrepreneurial research” explored strengths, self-efficacy, and decision-making strategies amongst female entrepreneurs. These findings were presented at the Psychological Society of Ireland’s Annual Conference in 2019 and form the basis of Ingrid’s continued work within female leadership development and women’s networks. 

In addition to female leadership and entrepreneurship, Ingrid’s current research interests include the application of coaching psychology to education and CPD practices. 

More information is available on Ingrid’s website and LinkedIn.