Fresh off the press!
The Study Demands and Resources Scale: Psychometric Properties, Longitudinal Invariance and Criterion Validity.
van Zyl, L.E., Shankland, R., Klibert, J., Verger, N.B., Rothman, S., Cho, V., Kuen See-To, E.W., Roll, L.C., Ghosh, L., van der Meij, L., Arijs, D., Cole, M., Stavros, J.M., Hulshof, I.L., Di Blasi, Z., De Beer, L.T. (2024). Frontiers In Education, 9 (1409099):1-38.
The effectiveness of savouring interventions on well-being in adult clinical populations: A protocol for a systematic review.
Cullen, K., Murphy, M., Di Blasi, Z., & Bryant, F. B. (2024). PloS one, 19(4), e0302014.
Effects of time management interventions on mental health and wellbeing factors: A protocol for a systematic review.
Young, A. N., Bourke, A., Foley, S., & Di Blasi, Z. (2024). PloS one, 19(3), e0288887.
Gratitude in the Time of the Coronavirus: A Thematic Analysis of the Three Good Things in Young Adults.
Di Blasi, Z., O’Doherty, M. & van Zyl, L.E. (2024). Int J Appl Posit Psychol
Positive Organisational Psychology 2.0: Embracing the Technological Revolution.
van Zyl, L.E., Dik, B.J. Donaldson, S.I, Klibert, J. Di Blasi, Z., van Wingerden, J., & Salanova, M. (2023). The Journal of Positive Psychology,
What then is time?: A case sample of teaching time and engaging temporal reflexivity using a reflective time journal activity.
Young, A.N. (2023). Time & Society, 32(3), 259-271.
“Claim back time for the things that really matter”: A qualitative examination of tracking leisure time and technology use in a reflective time journal.
Young, A.N., Foley, S. & Di Blasi, Z. (2023). European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 7 (2), 1-17.
Factors influencing the effectiveness of nature-based interventions (NBIs) aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing: Protocol of an umbrella review.
Shrestha, T., Chi, C. V. Y., Cassarino, M., Foley, S., & Di Blasi, Z. (2023). PloS one, 18(7), e0273139.
A report on the translation into Kiswahili, and subsequent validation, of three positive psychology scales.
Murphy, M., Wango, G., Kinanda, J.J., O'Sullivan, D., Di Blasi, Z. & Moret-Tatay, C. (2022). EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences. 4(5): 124-133.
Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-Being.
Basurrah, A. A., Al-Haj Baddar, M., & Di Blasi, Z. (2022). Frontiers in psychology, 12, 793608.
The Effects of Positive Psychology Interventions in Arab Countries: a Systematic Review
Basurrah, A. A., Di Blasi, Z., Lambert, L. Murphy, M., Warren, M., Setti, Al-Haj Baddar, A.M., Shrestha, T. (2022). Health and Wellbeing Journal. [DOI]
Perceived Social Support, Self-Discrepancy, and Subjective Well-Being.
O’Riordan, R., Murphy, M. & Di Blasi, Z. (2022). European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 6 (7).
تدخلات علم النفس الإيجابي كفرصة في البلاد العربية لتعزيز الرفاه النفسي
Basurrah, A., Baddar, M. A. H., & Di Blasi, Z. (2021). Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology, 7, 30-40. [DOI]
‘Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-Being’
Basurrah, A. A., & Di Blasi, Z. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 793608-793608. [DOI]
‘Effects of Positive Psychology Interventions in Arab Countries: A Protocol for a Systematic Review’
Basurrah, A., Lambert, L., Setti, A., Murphy, M., Warren, M., Shrestha, T., & di Blasi, Z. (2021). BMJ open, 11(7), e052477. [DOI]
Pain is Inevitable, but Suffering is Optional: A Cross-Sectional Study of Positive Psychology Variables in Chronic Back Pain.
Dillane, M., Murphy, M., O’Sullivan, D., & Di Blasi, Z. (2021). European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 5(16), 1-14.
Telephone-Coaching While Walking During COVID-19: A Pilot Study.
Di Blasi, Z., Palmer, S. & McCall, J. (2021). Journal of Ecopsychology, 1(4):1-13
In Memory of Edward Diener: Reflections on His Career, Contributions, and the Science of Happiness.
Ng, W., Tov, W., Veenhoven, R., Rothmann, S., Chambel, M. J., Chen, S., Cole, M. L., Consiglio, C., Costantini, A., Datu, J., Di Blasi, Z… van Zyl, L. E. (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 706447. [Received a Best Paper Award for 2021]
Natural or Urban Campus Walks and Vitality in University Students: Exploratory Qualitative Findings from a Pilot Randomised Controlled Study.
Shrestha, T., Di Blasi, Z., & Cassarino, M. (2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 2003.
Dental Patient Reported Outcome and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Measures: Protocol for a Systematic Evidence Map of Reviews.
Beecher, D., James, P., Browne, J., Di Blasi, Z., Harding, M., & Whelton, H. (2021). BDJ Open, 7(1), 6.
‘A Character Strengths Intervention for Happiness and Depression in Saudi Arabia: A Replication of Seligman et al.’s (2005) Study’
Basurrah, A. A., O’Sullivan, D., & Chan, J. S. (2020). Middle East Journal of Positive Psychology, 6, 41-72. [DOI]
Reflections on Walking for Enhancing Creativity and Wellbeing: A Way Forward for Enhancing Creativity and Wellbeing.
Palmer, S. & Di Blasi, Z. (2019). Coaching Psychology International, 12 (1), 19-24.
The Effectiveness, Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention in Two Irish Primary Schools.
Di Blasi, Z. & Rice, A. (2019). In Van Zyl, Rothmann, Sr. (eds). Evidence-Based Positive Psychology Interventions in Multi-Cultural Contexts. Spring, Cham.
The Effects of Using Socio-Culturally Targeted Communications on the Uptake and Adherence to Positive Psychology Interventions.
Moran, J., Setti, A. & Di Blasi, Z. (2019). In Van Zyl, Rothmann, Sr. (eds). Evidence-Based Positive Psychology Interventions in Multi-Cultural Contexts. Spring, Cham.
Making Mindset Matter.
Di Blasi, Z. (2017). British Medical Journal, 356:j674
The Effect of Patient-Practitioner Communication on Pain: A Systematic Review.
Mistiaen, P., van Osch, M., van Vliet, L., Howick, J., Bishop, F. L., Di Blasi, Z., Bensing, J., & van Dulmen, S. (2016). European Journal of Pain, 20(5), 675–688.
Perceived Social Support and Neuroticism Interact in Predicting Depression Level Among Depressed University Students.
Dwyer, A., Murphy, M., Di Blasi, Z. (2014). Irish Journal of Psychology.
Risk Factors for Repetition of Self-Harm: A Systematic Review of Prospective Hospital-Based Studies.
Larkin, C., Di Blasi, Z. & Arensman, E. (2014). PLoS One, 20.
Combined Flow in Musical Jam Sessions: A Pilot Qualitative Study.
Hart, E. & Di Blasi, Z. (2013). Psychology of Music, 40, 1-16.
Self-Cutting Versus Intentional Overdose: Psychological Risk Factors.
Larkin C, Di Blasi Z., Arensman E. (2013). Med Hypotheses, 81, 2:347-54.
Experiences of Sleep Paralysis in a Sample of Irish University Students.
O'Hanlon J, Murphy M, Di Blasi Z. (2011). Irish Journal of Medical Science, 180, 4:917-9.
Sharing and Borrowing Prescription Medication: A Survey of Irish College Students.
Goulding E, Murphy M, Di Blasi Z. (2011). Irish Journal of Medical Science, 180, 3:687-90.
The Effect of Varying Practitioner Communication on Patients’ Health Status and Treatment Outcomes.
Verheul W., Mistiaen P., Di Blasi Z., Kok L., van Dulmen S., Bensing J. (2010). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 10. Art. No.: CD008791.
The Role of Mindfulness in First Year Psychology Lectures, on Attention, Wellbeing and Academic Performance.
Di Blasi, Z., O’Reilly, A., & Burgoyne, L. (2009). Psychology and Health, 24(1), 155.
Optimism, Biofeedback and Nocebo Responding.
Larkin, C. & Di Blasi, Z. (2009). Psychology and Health, 24(1), 242.
Treatment Debriefing in the Participants of a Placebo Controlled RCT.
Di Blasi, Z., Crawford, F., Bradley, C., Kleijnen, J. (2005). BioMed Central Health Service Research, 5(1), 30-38.
Bias Control in Bodywork Therapies.
Mehling, W., Di Blasi, Z., Hecht R. (2005). Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11(2), 333-42.
Placebos in Medicine: Medical Paradoxes Need Disentangling.
Di Blasi, Z., Reilly, D. (2005). British Medical Journal, 330, 45.
Context Effects: Powerful Therapies or Methodological Bias?
Di Blasi, Z., Kleijnen, J. (2003). Evaluation and the Health Professions, 26(2), 166-79.
The Crack in the Biomedical Box.
Di Blasi, Z. (2003). Psychologist, 16(2), 72-75.
Informing Participants of Allocation to Placebo at Trial Closure: Postal Survey.
Di Blasi, Z., Kaptchuk, T.J.,Weinman, J. & Kleijnen, J. (2002). British Medical Journal, 325, 1329-1331.
CREATE--A Postgraduate Student Initiative to Promote Further Training and Support for Early Career Health Psychologists.
Hevey, D., Di Blasi Zelda, Hall, S., Absetz, P. (2002). European Psychologist, 5(2), 169-170.
Influence of Context Effects on Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
Di Blasi, Z., Harkness Elaine, Ernst Edzard, Georgiou, Amanda, & Kleijnen Jos (2001). Lancet, 10(357), 757-62.